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With a large majority of products on the market today containing ingredient lists a mile long with chemicals and preservatives you can't even pronounce we invite you to take a step toward a more natural & healthy lifestyle. Try our Goat Milk Soap! Compare our ingredient list with your current soap and see the difference.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's A Boy & A Girl !

Hi Everyone!  Just wanted to share the news.  The first of our new babies have arrived.  Liz had twins.  A boy and a girl.  I haven't seen them yet but Judy says- They are so pretty!  I laughed and asked her if she ever had an ugly goat.  She thought about it for a moment.... and said she didn't rightly know if she had ever seen an ugly goat! A mother's love what can you say...  Hopefully we'll have some pictures to post before the end of the week.

Sorry for the delay in this weeks post we've been extremely busy this past week.  We got a couple of new accts and have been busy filling orders. We have interest from a couple more large accts so everyone say an extra prayer and cross your fingers for us.

Until next time...

Always Soaping,
Lisa & Judy

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the babies!!! I hope you can bring one to the shop!
    So happy to hear about the orders you are getting! That is such good news!
